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Collecting the best of nature's beautiful blooms to create floral designs for all occasions"
"Kaye van Booma"
Thanks for visiting us here at our website where we look forward to supplying you the very best in everything floral.
Here at beauKayes florist, Taradale, in the sunny Hawkes Bay, we are collecting the very best of nature’s beautiful blooms and foliage's to create floral designs for all occasions.
We also supply a beautiful range of seasonal and "all year round" potted plants, Giftlines made in NZ and a yummy selection of NZ Made Chocolates and other goodies.
Feel free to pop into our florist studio in Taradale, Napier and talk to Kaye, Megan, Aleisha, Charlotte and Jennie about all things floristry or just to enjoy the beautiful flowers plants and giftlines currently in-store. E-mail or phone any enquiries or orders to Kaye via our contact page or our online store.