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Just a couple of things to note first:
1* SHIPPING ADDRESS refers to the recipients address.
2* Click APPLY LOCATION under Post-Code. This will take you through to further delivery options and will remove the "we do not deliver to this location" prompt.
3* Unsure of the area code for your purchase? Click here for POSTCODES:
4* Remember, if you go "back" you will need to re-enter some information, this is a security feature ensuring that your information is not "stored" within our system.
1) Navigate to the items you wish to purchase and add each to your 'Shopping Bag' then go to the checkout.
2) Make sure you tick "I agree with terms and conditions"
3) Click here to choose the location for delivery, if you are not sure follow the link below to a list of area codes.
4) Enter the name and address of the person to receive the order, here you can choose the 'delivery method' as well, options for delivery will be displayed here!
Please ensure you add a phone number, this ensures we have someone to contact in the rear event of a delivery issue.
5) Click 'Continue", this will take you through to the payment page, here you can choose the method of payment and any last minute instructions.
You will receive a conformation email. If you don't receive this email then please check that all steps have been covered.
Don't forget that if you "go back" at any stage, you will need to re-enter some information, this is purely a security system that ensures you against double billing.